Previews massive ‘Durability Update’ for League’s Patch 12.10, brings system-wide adjustments to healing, shields, and more

Posted by admin May 18, 2022 in LoL

Earlier this month, Riot Games unveiled a huge durability update that would increase base health and armor levels for every champion in League of Legends. Riot Phlox, a designer on the Summoner’s Rift team, has now confirmed the detailed list of changes headed to the game when Patch 12.10 drops, including reasoning behind some of the decisions.

Phlox said 12.10 will be “a pretty disruptive patch” that will be monitored by the developers as the player base adjusts to the power dynamic between champions. Additionally, not all balance changes will be hitting the live servers just yet so they can get a better idea of which champions need buffs or nerfs in the following micro patches.